One of the top drivers of global electricity demand is the growth of the air conditioning and heating systems market. HVAC systems increasingly need to meet stringent minimum energy performance standards and must be more energy efficient, easier to use and maintain and capable of programming to optimize comfort and costs. HVAC design engineers focus on increasing motor efficiency and how motors are integrated and controlled within systems. Being able to operate motors at reduced speeds/horsepower to meet actual load requirements and using variable frequency drives or high efficiency torque motors with performance-optimized power electronics has the potential for dramatic energy savings.

Advancement in power electronics has enabled HVAC inverter technology to thrive by the use of microcontroller and IGBT modules to drive the compressor DC or AC motor. The speed of the compressor motor can be varied by using the variable frequency drive. Highly efficient switching power devices, such as IGBTs and MOSFETs, help to increase the efficiency, power density and reliability of power switches, and to provide lowest conduction losses.

Advanced Electronics Solutions from Rogers are playing a major role in increasing the efficiency, performance and reliability of HVAC systems.

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